Privacy Policy

We, AeroDJConsulting Inc.(also hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)use our best efforts to protect your privacy and personal information, and to that end the Company is committed to complying with all other relevant laws and regulations such as the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information (the “Information and Communication Networks Act”), and the Privacy Protection Act. This Privacy Policy is posted for public access on the Company’s website ( so you can be well informed of what we do to protect your personal information. This Privacy Policy may be revised or updated from time to time according to changes to pertinent laws, government policies or the Company’s internal regulations and we will immediately notify you of such revisions or updates in order that you can be readily aware thereof. The Company’s Privacy Policy contains the following:
1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
The company processes personal information for the following purposes: The processed personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following, and prior consent will be sought if the purpose of use changes.

(1). Inquiry
Personal information is processed for the purpose of identifying inquiries, confirming inquiries, and notifying the results of inquiries.

2. Items and methods of collecting personal information to be collected
(1) Collected Items
(1)-1. Collected items when registering members
- Required item : Company name, Name, E-mail, Contact
- Purpose of collection : Responding to inquiries
(1)-2. Automatic Collection - Access IP information, cookies, service usage history, access logs, etc
(2) How to Collect
(2)-1. Collect personal information in the following ways.
- Inquiry Bulletin Board on the Home Page

3. Consent to collect personal information
The company considers that you have agreed to collect personal information by checking the "I agree" button for the contents of the company's personal information handling policy or terms of use.

4. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices
(1) In order to provide individual customized services, 'cookie' is used to store and retrieve usage information from time to time.
(2) Cookies are a small amount of information that the server (http) used to run the web site sends to your computer browser and are stored on your PC's hard disk.
- Purpose of use of cookies : It is used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the types of visits and usage, popular search terms, security access, etc. for each service and web site visited by the user.
- Installation, operation and rejection of cookies : You can refuse to save cookies by setting options on the 'Tools > Internet Options > Privacy' menu at the top of your web browser.
- Refusing to save cookies may cause difficulty in using customized services.

5. Processing and retention period of personal information
(1) The company holds and maintains personal information within the period of personal information retention and use under the Act or consent to collect personal information from the data subject, and processes and holds personal information within the period of use.
(2) The processing and retention period of each personal information is destroyed when the collection or the purpose provided is achieved as follows.
- Inquiry: Store and delete answers for one year after processing them
(3) However, if it is necessary to hold it for a certain period of time due to the confirmation of transaction-related rights and obligations under the relevant laws and regulations such as the Commercial Act and the Consumer Protection Act, etc.
- Records concerning the withdrawal of contracts or subscriptions, etc : 5 years
- Records concerning the handling of consumer complaints or disputes : 3 years

6. Providing and sharing personal information to third parties
The company shall not use or provide the user's personal information to a third party beyond the scope notified by the "collection items and purposes of collecting personal information" or "purpose of personal information" in any case, except with the consent of the user or the provisions of related laws. However, exceptions are made in the following cases:

- Users have agreed in advance.
- Where necessary for the settlement of charges based on the provision of services.
- Where required for contract fulfillment (product delivery/installation, service).
- Where there is sufficient grounds for disclosing customer information in order to take legal action against it by causing mental and material damage to others.
- Where necessary for statistical preparation, marketing analysis, or market research, processing a specific individual into an unidentifiable form and providing it to an external institution, organization, etc.
- Where there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of other relevant statutes or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed in the statutes for the purpose of investigation.
- Where it is remarkably difficult to obtain ordinary consent for economic/technical reasons as personal information necessary for the performance of a contract on the provision of services.

7. Rights and obligations of the data subject and the method of exercising them
The user may exercise the following rights as the subject of personal information.
(1) The data subject may exercise the following personal information protection rights against the company at any time.
- Request for personal information access information
- Request correction in case of errors, etc
- Deletion request
- Processing stop request
(2) The company may exercise its rights under paragraph (1) in writing, e-mail, fax, etc. in accordance with attached Form 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the company will take action without delay.
(3) If the information subject requests correction or deletion of errors, etc. in personal information, the company will not use or provide the personal information until correction or deletion is completed.
(4) he exercise of rights under paragraph (1) may be conducted through an agent, such as a legal representative of the data subject or a person entrusted. In such cases, you must submit a power of attorney in accordance with attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.

8. Destruction of Personal Information
In principle, if the purpose of processing personal information is achieved, the company destroys the personal information without delay. The procedure, deadline, and method of destruction are as follows.
(1) Destruction procedure
The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after achieving the purpose (separate documents in the case of paper) and stored for a certain period of time or immediately destroyed according to internal policies and other related laws. In this case, personal information transferred to DB is not used for any other purpose except by law.
(2) Destruction deadline
The user's personal information is destroyed within 5 days from the end of the retention period and within 5 days from the date when the personal information is deemed unnecessary, such as achieving the purpose of processing the personal information, abolishing the service, or terminating the project.
(3) How to destroy
Information in the form of electronic files uses a technical method in which recordings cannot be played back.
Personal information printed on paper is shredded with a grinder or destroyed through incineration.

9. Measures to ensure the safety of personal information
In accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the company takes technical/management and physical measures necessary to ensure safety as follows.
(1) Minimize and train employees handling personal information
We are implementing measures to manage personal information by designating employees who handle personal information and minimizing it only to those in charge.
(2) Conduct regular self-audit
In order to ensure stability related to personal information handling, self-audit is conducted regularly (once a quarter).
(3) Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan
For the safe processing of personal information, we have established and implemented an internal management plan.
(4) Encryption of personal information
The user's personal information is encrypted, stored, and managed, so only the user can know the password, and the important data uses separate security functions such as encrypting the file and transfer data or using the file lock function.
(5) Technical countermeasures against hacking, etc
In order to prevent leakage or damage of personal information caused by hacking or computer viruses, the company installs security programs, updates, inspects regularly, and installs systems in areas with controlled access from the outside, and monitors and blocks them technically and physically.
(6) Restrict access to personal information
We are taking necessary measures to control access to personal information by granting, changing, and canceling access to the database system that processes personal information, and controlling unauthorized access from outside using the intrusion prevention system.
(7) Storage of access records and prevention of forgery
We keep and manage records of access to the personal information processing system for at least 6 months, and use security functions to prevent forgery, theft, or loss of access records.
(8) Enable lock for document security
Documents containing personal information, auxiliary storage media, etc. are stored in a safe place with a lock.
(9) Access control for unauthorized persons
Access control procedures are established and operated in a separate physical storage area where personal information is stored.

10. Personal Information Protection Officer
(1) The company is responsible for handling personal information and designating a person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints and remedy damages of information subjects related to personal information processing.

Name : Euir-Yong Lee
Position : Director
Affiliated department : Management Support Team
Phone number : +82 02-2661-2990
FAX number : +82 02-2661-2990
E-mail :

(2) he data subject may contact the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge of personal information protection, handling complaints, and remedy for damage caused by using the company's service (or business). The company will respond and handle inquiries from the data subject without delay.

11. Change of personal information processing policy
(1) This personal information processing policy shall be applied from the date of enforcement, and if there is any change, such as addition, deletion, or correction in accordance with laws and policies, it will be notified seven days prior to the enforcement of the change.
This policy will be implemented from March 1, 2022.

Rejection of unauthorized e-mail collection


About Us


HOME About Us History

Conditional information area

  Oct    Development and production of CNSi environment for K-UAM GC Phase 2

          ㅣ Korea Aerospace Research Institute


  Aug     Jeju Airport Control Building New Construction Project (Jeju Airport Radar Facility (PSR/SSR)

             Radio Environment Analysis) | Jeju Regional Aviation Authority


  Aug      Incheon International Airport Corporation Freight Terminal (Stage 1) Basic and implementation

             design services (Radio Impact Review Division) | Incheon International Airport Corporation


  Aug     Incheon International Airport Corporation Freight Terminal (Stage 1) Basic and implementation

             design services (Information and Communication Division)

             | Incheon International Airport Corporation


  July      Pre-validation R&D project research service for preparation of pilot project in UAM area

             (Corridor and Vertiport area radio environment survey) l MOLIT


  Apr      Feasibility Assessment and Basic Plan Establishment for Gadeokdo New Airport

              Construction Project  (Full Wave Simulation Division) ㅣ MOLIT


  Apr      Feasibility Assessment and Basic Plan Establishment for Gadeokdo New Airport

              Construction Project0 (Full Wave Environmental Research and Impact Analysis) ㅣ MOLIT


  Dec       Aircraft use business registration


  Sep       Aircraft introduction (C-172S)


  Aug      Certified as a venture company (innovation growth type) l Korea Venture Business Association


  Jun       Certification of establishment of a company-affiliated research center

                (Aviation Technology Research Center ㅣ Korea Industrial Technology Promotion Association


  May      Capital increase(800 million)


  Apr       Development of CNSi acquisition utilization system reliability verification technology for low-                    density urban air mobility (UAM) traffic management

               ㅣ Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement 


  Mar       Converted into a corporation


  Mar       National Radiation Emergency Treatment Center Emergency Treatment Room and

               other attached rooms Construction of negative pressure facility (telecommunication)

               ㅣ Korea Atomic Energy Institute


  Feb        Radio Impact Review Service for DOKGOTAK Baseball Stadium Construction


  Feb        Basic and Detailed Design Services for Incheon International Airport

                 Phase 4 AIRSIDE Facility(Review of Propagation Impact of Advanced Complex Aviation                                Complex)


  Dec      Development and production of CNSi environment for K-UAM GC Phase 1

              ㅣ Korea Aerospace Research Institute


  Dec      Analysis of Radio Wave impact of navigation safety facilities at Incheon Gyeyang and

               Bucheon Daejeon Gimpo airportsㅣ Korea Land and Housing Corporation


  Jul        Simulation review service for radio interference due to the new KTX station transit overpass at                   Muan International Airport 


  May     A service to check the impact of VOR radio wave performance at Ulsan Airport during the

              construction of three-dimensionalization(Under Road) and access road Kaesong

              in Ulsan Songjeong Industrial Road


  Apr       Runway Extension Design Service for Muan International Airport (Full Wave Simulation)


  Dec      Ulsan Airport VOR Radio Wave Impact Assessment Service on Temporary bypass road in                            Songjeong, Ulsan


  Oct       A Simulation and Radio Wave Environment Study on the Establishment of Instrument Landing                   Facility at Cheongju International Airport


  Oct       Radio Wave Impact Assessment Service for Chapter B/P of Gimpo International Airport 


  Apr       Simulation of navigation facilities and supplementary flight inspection services in the design                       service for the construction of Ulleung Airport


  Jul       Simulation of Arrangement of Control and Communication Equipment

              at Jeju International Airportㅣ Jeju International Airport


  Jun      A Study on the Arrangement of Transmission and Transmission Equipment at

             Jeju International Airport ㅣ Jeju International Airport

  Jun      Research Service for Radio Environment Survey in Low Altitude Area of Air Route
             (Low Altitude Air Route Radar and Radio) ㅣ Incheon Air Traffic Control Center

  Nov    Inspections and analysis of W/S detection equipment installation environment

            ㅣ Korea Airpots Corporation


  Jun       Survey and analysis of radio wave environment over Gimpo International Airport

            ㅣ Korea Airpots Corporation


  Apr    Flight inspection and vulnerability analysis research service for air routes (6)

            ㅣ Korea Airport Corporation


  Mar    US Air Force Osan Base 27R Glide Path 1 type flight inspection service

            ㅣ Korea Airport Corporation


  Feb       AERODJ Consulting Opens